Cuts You Up
I had this idea for a short Jack Shit story that had this floating head. The full details of what was to happen are long forgotten. Why the cartoony style, [...]
Beware The Walrus Boy
Adam Zivkovich was so excited to see the Walrus Boy's pages that Peter Macchione is working away on for our Kickstarter campaign that he just had to do something. What [...]
Dead Can Dance
Before embarking on the telling of the tale of “Temptation”, Chetan and I spent a couple of years producing a story that came to be called simply “Zombie”. (The collection [...]
Oh! What a feeling, when you’re dancing on the ceiling!
Perhaps it’s best not to think too much about the fact that Chetan has at least one ceiling-mounted camera in his home and instead focus on the page of comics [...]
Blue pencil magic!
"Meant to be a companion to all the great covers Paul has done so far, I wanted to convey the uneasiness and unexpected turns in the story. The seriousness of [...]
Cuts You Up
"Through the zero hour we'll walk We'll cut the thick and break the thin" When Tom Yeo and I started to work on our weekly comic Temptation we also began [...]
Secrets of the pros.
Sometimes people ask us for tips and tricks on drawing comics. They mostly come from younger kids though. The answer in our heads is "learn to draw". But you can't [...]
Chetan Patel
King of the Hill
Download the 18 issue series for free at and find out if Tom and the gang survive the attack of the zombies. Art: Megan Bannon