Walrus Boy
Peter Macchione is working away on a side project for Tic Toc Tom, the continuing adventures of Walrus Boy. Coming soon.
Peter Macchione is working away on a side project for Tic Toc Tom, the continuing adventures of Walrus Boy. Coming soon.
More pencils and lettering by Tom Yeo. The man never sleeps! Always drawing!
Pencils roughs and thumbnail sketches by Tom Yeo for the 18 issue story for Tic Toc Tom. Check out the final artwork at http://www.tictoctom.com/comic-book/ .
When the time came for us introduce some aliens into the story I was stuck on how to create an alien spaceship and the look of the aliens. Played around [...]
Jack activated his time jump belt. Where did it take him? Tom & Iggy are fighting for their lives on a world full of zombies. And who are the Keys? [...]
On The Corner Art and story by Tom Yeo.
Tom comes off as a tasteful guy. If you ever have a chance to sit down with him and talk about comics, you'll find him attentive and insightful. He often [...]
Working on someone else's creation is always a tricky proposition. You want to be respectful of their vision but, you want to claim it as your own (as an illustrator, [...]
Tom Yeo's rough pencils before he hand letters the page and inks. Where is Iggy? What has happened to her? Find out in Temptation.
More of Tom Yeo's thought process. Working away on a future Temptation page.