Tic Toc Tom in 2015
The recent release of Tic Toc Tom Vol. 3 Issue 1 (you haven't downloaded it yet?! It's free and not getting any cheaper!), got me thinking about how different things [...]
The recent release of Tic Toc Tom Vol. 3 Issue 1 (you haven't downloaded it yet?! It's free and not getting any cheaper!), got me thinking about how different things [...]
Jaroo Roo is a smart business man. What if you took time travel and sold it? Mass produce Tic Toc Tom's time travel belt and sell them to the super [...]
"Another story in progress that dovetails with a "Beautiful Ones" by Chetan. Both tales reveal more of how Jack came to meet TicTocTom. Or is it the other way around?" [...]
This is a new story that we are working away on at the moment. The story of a man who survived one of Tom's random explosions. He is back and [...]
“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.” ― Aristotle Promotional postcards! Artwork by Tom Yeo.
Sometimes in life things fall into place, perfectly. When you least expect it, life can gift you something so wonderful, that all you should do is get down on your knees [...]
"Take something you love, tell people about it, bring together people who share your love, and help make it better. Ultimately, you'll have more of whatever you love for yourself [...]
When Mr. Patel asked me to write this post about him, the inner-child in me was filled with glee. Finally, I would have a chance to let the world know what I really [...]