More poster!
We've had some inquiries about the poster referenced in The Great Wall of Chetan-a post. Specifically, what did lead to the odd Tic Toc Tom pose and, what's up with the chain [...]
We've had some inquiries about the poster referenced in The Great Wall of Chetan-a post. Specifically, what did lead to the odd Tic Toc Tom pose and, what's up with the chain [...]
A peek at the roots of story-telling. A sketchbook contains the panel to panel breakdowns for several story pages.
Some people (the internet) think that TBT stands for Throw Back Thursday. But here at Tic Toc Tom, it stands for Tic Boc Tom (groan as much as you want but [...]
This is a shot of the Tic Toc Tom creator's wall. From left to right we have framed images of a poster by Marhue, a page by Patel, the Issue [...]
Here are the pencils and inks from the bottom panel of the upcoming Land of Confusion w/Jack & Billy Bub. Whoa... it's like looking into the very soul of creation!
In this new feature we present a creator's work and offer an opportunity for the creators themselves to talk about it. First Up: Paul Marhue! "Way back in the 90s, because computers were [...]
"In case y'all weren't envious enough of the cartoonist's life...sometimes this is the studio."
Not many Tic Toc Tom writers and / or artists are as prolific as Tom Yeo. Pound for pound, he has produced more work for the book than his slender frame [...]
Tighty-blueys. Never mind the t-shirt and jeans look: how to strike a heroic pose by Paul Marhue. Calvin Klein... eat your heart out.
Superman's Clark Kent. Spider-man's Peter Parker. Wonder Woman's Diana Prince. What do these heroes have in common with Chetan Patel (Hint: it's not success and admiration)? Secret identities! Few people [...]