Birthday Boy…another one.
Happy birthday Paul Marhue! Paul, The Beef Patty Years. I think it was once suggested that Paul Marhue did not exist. In fact it was said he was nothing [...]
Happy birthday Paul Marhue! Paul, The Beef Patty Years. I think it was once suggested that Paul Marhue did not exist. In fact it was said he was nothing [...]
Kill 4 U is a company that appears throughout the various versions of the Tic Toc Tom comic books. It was originally created by Paul Marhue & Chetan Patel. Kill [...]
Paul vs. Cow mid 1990's. Who won? Paul had steak that night. 'nuff said. Paul Marhue, the guy behind the covers. By Kenneth Gallant I’ve always been [...]
Issue 3 is out now! Free download or read online for free. Enjoy.
With the impending release of Tic Toc Tom Volume 3 Issue 3 (what a mouthful... let's hashtag it like the cool kids! #TTTV3I3. It's 3% less awkward!), I thought I would take [...]
Yes, Christmas came early! Download your free copy! Issue 2.
Back in the days of the mini comics, a few talented folks were asked to do some posters for us. These posters were put up everywhere. As we walked around [...]
Issue One. It's out. 'Nuff said! Brought to you by these guys: Enjoy!
It was the mid 1990's when fellow OCA student Susan Adsett interviewed the TTT gang for a show that she was working on. Why us? That is a question that [...]
Yes, there is more from her. If you happened to miss the original post, please click here: A few days after the original post we (TTT staff) were warned [...]