13 07, 2015

Preview Monday!

By |2015-07-13T16:34:12+00:00July 13, 2015|Sketches|0 Comments

We're going to start a new feature over here at Tic Toc Tom. It's called "Preview Monday!" and it allows us to give you a sneak peak into upcoming projects [...]

16 06, 2015

Wait a minute!

By |2015-06-16T13:43:41+00:00June 16, 2015|Sketches|0 Comments

A long time ago, Paul Marhue did a quick one-off sketch of a "super-hero" version of Tic Toc Tom. That hero was called... Minuteman! We asked Marhue about that moment. [...]

14 06, 2015

More poster!

By |2015-06-14T16:20:37+00:00June 14, 2015|Sketches|0 Comments

We've had some inquiries about the poster referenced in The Great Wall of Chetan-a post. Specifically, what did lead to the odd Tic Toc Tom pose and, what's up with the chain [...]

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